Thursday, August 31, 2006

Oh no, tomorrow is friday

Yesss, tomorrow is the D Day... come back to work. Will regret the beach of Hua Hin ( Thailand) where i spent some hot days in July. Hau hin is south of Bangkok, it is a very quiet place....but millions of HUGE jellyfishes.
Nobody swims in the sea, everyone in the pool...

Beach of Hua Hin Thailand


Blogger Dawna said...

Nice photo. :)

I haven't done one in a while. For about a year and a half I did ashtanga classes regularly. The classes were about 90 mins long and were a good combo of stretching and strengthening. Hatha is a bit slower paced.

What do you want to know about yoga? Intro classes are great at a studio to let you try it, and there are a number of different styles.

5:45 AM  
Blogger JMO said...

Hum, i dont know a lot about Yoga, but here in Singapore we have a lot of class for beginners. However, my friends say that this yoga-gym is not exactly what we can expect from the 'real" yoga. I must confess my ignorance. Will try one class also and let you know what i think about that...

6:10 AM  

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